Tagged: short stories

All better now and full of getshitdone energy~

A couple of days of decompressing and focusing on anything but editing or writing and I feel about a billion times better and all energized.  I also read a great blog that I’m a shit for not remembering, but once I do I’ll link it.  The blog was an awesome perspective on how amazing it is to do the rewrite of stories.  I have been looking at it all fucking wrong.  Instead of focusing on the tripe that I have written I need to remember I have a foundation now.  A quick draft (well, as quick as I can be) of an amazing story and now I get to play with it – make my characters stronger and the story even more twisted, really bring out what I wanted from the beginning.  Its a journey that takes some miles not a fast sprint down the block.  As much as I want to be at the end of the road jumping in triumph, I am not there yet and need to stop expecting such quick results.

This is truly the first experience I am having with a serious effort to produce a quality story.  One that will make the reader stop and think, “Did I just read that right?”  A story that will also invoke some pretty disturbing images by the end of the story.  I don’t know why horror/splatter writing has become my choice of genre.  I do know I grew up on horror books and splatter movies.  When I would read horror books I would always get disappointed because the authors always seemed to stop short of really describing and getting into the true gore of the acts occurring in the book.  I don’t want to do that in my writing.  I only hope I can accomplish it well for the audience.  I do have many other ideas that run more to the fantasy side of fiction as well, but those are all longer stories and will have to come after I have successfully mastered a perfectly structured short story that I’m satisfied with in its entirety.  Small steps and all that stuff.  Anyway- I will be a busy beaver this weekend so stick around for some art, photography and lots more writing.

Can’t stop won’t go away

I have been at my desk all day trying to work but my brain won’t shut off its storming.  I thought I had the idea for the story of Peter all figured out and decided to timeline/draft out the idea during lunch.  It all went to hell shortly after putting pen to paper.  I’m not letting this one go but damn if I cant figure out where it wants to go.  This is just fucking maddening!!! 

Just to tease you some more…..

I’m putting out here the rest of part II and the finished part III and IV of Ray’s box.  I’m working on the final piece of the story.  I hope to be able to post it this weekend and then I’ll run through and start editing and get it up in my short story section.  So, enjoy and remember its still unedited so be patient.


Ray’s Box continued….

The space leading from the front of his apartment to the few rooms in back was not very long. When you first stepped into the hall immediately to the left was the door to his own room. Currently the wall on that side was covered with reeking, wet boxes stacked to just below the ceiling. He took a few steps forward careful with each inch not to get anywhere near them. Ray craned his next, his eyes darting to steal a glance into his room. His heart sank and his stomach dropped and settled in his bowels as he saw the mess that lay all over his floors and bed. It wasn’t just that the boxes, were again everywhere, there was a dull red glistening on the normally beige carpet. His blanket was not so much a covering to keep him warm at night but had become a gargantuan towel that had soaked up and dripped liquid jewels of shimmering red chunked together here and there with clots of matter that he refused to put a name to as he stood motionless. Faintly he could here Momma in front of him. She continued to shuffle forward the few feet into the alcove that was part of his small dining area situated in front of the kitchen, the final room in this stretch of the apartment. Ray could hear her panting, raw, ragged horrible noises that started deep in her animated corpse and ended with a detestable thick odor that hung in the air even after she moved on.

After what felt like an eternity he snapped his head forward and continued the few steps through the rank air, his nose crinkling in disgust and his throat closed itself off for the briefest of moment, he stopped as his foot left carpet and his heel thunked onto the wood floor of the dining area.

“Momma…why?” croaked from him between gasping breaths.

“Ray, child, you are the slowest child. A Mother should never have to deal with you but I did..OH! How I dealt with you the best I could. “ She raised her flabby hers and flung her finger forward. He expected to see a lightning bolt shoot forward but instead her fat bingo-wings rippled under her arms creating small waves from her armpit to her elbow. As it wiggled bits of flesh sprinkled his floor and Ray’s confusion mounted but the fear that gripped him from the time he entered the apartment building was melting away. She was dead yes but this was his Momma and she would make everything okay once she could get it all explained.

“Pick up that box and mind you don’t let if fall to pieces before you get it on the ground here.” Gargling the words gravity absconded her and the remaining meat on her arm thwacked aside her filthy breast as she pointed to the floor between Ray and her.

Ray tentatively eyed the box that rotted before him. It was the size of a midrange microwave box but with none of the flare of advertisements on wattage and a popcorn button. Instead it was a measly tanish brown that oozed a thick liquid of gore not just from the seams but from the very pores of the constructed material. The box itself was bleeding. Profusely. Knowing that if he did not comply the ending result would be a nightmare he thought was over with Momma’s death, Ray stretched his arms forward and splayed his fingers around the least matted portions of the box sides and attempted to lift it down. The damn thing weighed a ton. He was forced to step forward and grip the putrid container tighter bringing it slightly into his chest lifting with all his strength while his eyes scrunched closed-tight, holding his breath and ignoring the thick clots of death that slipped out of the container onto his feet and clothes. Stepping back quickly but cautiously, there was no way this was going to spill out any more than necessary, he turned and bent quickly to the ground letting if drop with a meaty, wet thunk at his feet.

“Good Ray. I knew you still have those gentle hands. Now I need you to open the box and look inside. You will find what is to become your life’s work laid out for you.” Huffing in her death breath she reached behind her to find a dining chair and flopped her body into the seat while he dared not look at her eyes, fearing she really meant what she said.

“Momma…what do you mean? Why do I have to open this? Please don’t make me do this.” The quivering in his voice brought forth an immediate kick from what was left of her right foot into his shin as she sat opposite him.

Ray folded himself in half as he reached down to lift the flaps of the box. He knew already what he would find but what he did not know was more important.

“Norma?” Her face sat bloated, eyes bulging and lips full with the collagen of the deceased on top of the butchered remains of her small frail figure and intermixed with the organs no one should ever see outside of their loved one.

“MOMMA NO! This is not me. WHY!?” confusion clouded his face as Ray looked from the one he loved and into the crazed eyes of Momma.

“Ray, child, once again you are going to test my patience. You remember when you were growing up…you remember all the time we spent together. You know how much I loved you and that a Momma’s love was the only pure love. You remember don’t you?” Her tongue clucked at this last question.

“I remember Momma. I remember everything. I know there is nothing more pure than what we had but what does that mean to me now?” Slumping his shoulders in childish defeat he waited for her response.

“Tsk Tsk Tsk Tsk…” Momma tapped her fingers on the table she sat beside as she heaved in with great difficulty enough air to tell a tale without ever needed another breath. Her lungs whistled no longer being able to contain such quantities of oxygen.

“Ray – I raised you from a little thing. I did it by myself. I had no man because no man could understand the love a mother has for her child and that the child must always come first. I tried.” Momma gazed up her eyes rolling with an attempt to look Ray in his own eyes. He stepped from behind the box and slowly pulled out a seat opposite her at the table. There was something coming. He wasn’t sure what it was but he knew the explanation for all that was occurring would not be as simple as he would want it to be; not just a dream he would wake from. No. Not that easy for him. Not this time.


“I tried to find a man. I really did. We both know a Daddy in the house would have been good but none of them seemed to understand that you were first for me and always would be. I couldn’t explain to any of them. Then one night…It all became clear to me. They came to visit me.” Her words rode past his ears in eerie understanding. When she said They, Ray’s spine straightened and a tingling of familiarity rippled throughout him.

“Who are They? Why do I know them even though you haven’t said?” The question hung in the air fragile and searching for a response.

“Well son, They are the ones who gave me my life’s mission. In the middle of the lonliest night I could ever recall; you were around twelve at the time and starting to really come into your own. You were such a handsome young man and getting more grown up every day. I was having a fit of a dream and I shot up in bed and there they were; standing at the foot of the bed. Two of them came to explain things to me. Each one holding a box for me; not like the boxes you got. Your mission is so much more than mine. Anyway – they brought me those two boxes and told me I had to open them just like you when you got here tonight. I tell you, I was terrified” Her eyes widened at the memory and even in death the shivers that took her shoulders were visible to Ray.

“What were in your boxes?” The words quizzically fell off his tongue before he could stop himself. He squired backwards in the chair using the tip of his shoes to edge the box at his feet as far away from himself as possible. While disgusted at what was in the box and terrified of what Momma may be telling him he began to get a sense of looming relief. There was an enlightenment that was waiting to show itself and it welled up in his soul as he incited her to continue.

“I had to open it myself, just like you did. Inside the first box was a book. A photo book for keepsakes type thing and I flipped through it and all the pictures were of us. Polaroids of you and me. Pictures of us and confirmation that the love I was feeling would be okay. I could be with you and it would be just fine. The pictures showed the whole story. They stood at the foot of my bed and remained long enough to explain that I was to make sure and show you my love and also to keep you in line because there was greatness to come from you. If I didn’t do my job, you’d never complete your job when the time came. The visions they showed me — I shuddered to think of the pain and hell I would suffer if I didn’t do as I was told. So, that night, once they had gone from my room and I guess this world because they didn’t just walk out of door – they just disappeared, *Poof*, gone from the foot of my bed in a shudder of air; I came to you and sat at the foot of your little twin bed and thought about what I was to do.” The story continued out of her and Ray was flung back to his childhood. Years seemed to fly by in reverse blurring his vision and then settling him into his bed at twelve just a few weeks before his thirteenth birthday. He had been lying in bed thinking of the few friends he had that were going to go with him to see some new horror film that he no longer remembered or cared to remember. Ray shivered, recalling his Mother slowly entering his room that night, cautious with each step and being smaller, younger in those days when she sat on his bed the edge barely dipping down, just slightly and the smell of faint roses hung in the air, scents of her soap fresh on her skin lingered around his bed.  Momma had always been a stern parent. She was known around the neighborhood for being the strictest when it came to rearing her only child and the few friends he had their parents always made sure to get him home right quick or they knew he would suffer. As she sat on the foot of his bed she slid her hand over his calves, rubbing them gently as she explained how much she loved him and the time had come to demonstrate what that would mean for the two of them. Somewhere deep inside his groin his body knew what she was talking about and he shuddered, then and now as he sat across from her in the kitchen. Yet what was a shudder of confused fear at twelve and a half was a shudder of renewed excitement in present day.

“Ray! Pay attention. Ray!” snapping her fingers and trying to purse her lips like she use to when we was young and not listening, Momma commanded him back to now and continued.

“If you haven’t figure out your job yet boy, let me fill you in on what you are to do.” She stretched her spine, skin pulling and sliding off of bone, sitting up straight and stared him deep in his eyes.

“We have to get ourselves back to what was once our best. You and I Ray, we belong to one another but you have a growing need in you. One that, I think, you’ve felt and that’s why you are alone right now. I know you, you had a little something to keep you busy since I’ve been gone but you got rid of her. Why?” Leaning back she placed her arms across her rotting chest as best as a corpse can; crushing dried muscle and settling bone on ribs. She waited. Staring He sucked in air, dragging the dust of decomposition into his lungs and thought but just a brief instant.

“Momma, I’m not sure I could have done those things. I know what they are and I feel them. Her name was Bella. She sufficed to fill my desires but then they became more intense. I wasn’t sure…..how does one just go about fulfilling those desires all of a sudden. I wasn’t prepared and didn’t know exactly how to prepare so I walked away.” The river of words poured from his lips. Ray never even registered the full impact of them till they had all left his throat and hung in the air between them waiting to be plucked down and processed. It was only then that he realized precisely how much he had wanted to take Bella. Drag her down and make her his to own and dominate. He could picture her now. Her delicate skin and dark hair with those round green eyes. Bella, her beautiful face sitting on the perfect body with supple breasts and the curves from waist to hips giving the illusion of a perfect hourglass; he knew he had to go back for her. This could not be over. Momma was right.

“I’m sorry.” The words from Ray swam towards Momma. As they entered her head she slammed her fist to the table and dropped forward like an animal to attack. Baring her teeth she could have been preparing to rip the flesh from her prey but instead she growled from deep within her chest and slowly rose.

“Ray, get you lazy ass in gear. Do what you are supposed to do and make sure it is done well. You have fun too. You deserve that after I have been gone so long but you do best to remember that I’m not going away either. You do your job and you keep doing it well and I get to come back. WE get to come back and stay together forever but if you waver one more moment then it will all be destroyed and they will take you with me this time.” Tense and icy were the words that returned his apology. Ray dropped his head. His chin rested on his breastbone and he closed his eyes drawing in more air; he contemplated the joy he now felt knowing she was coming back. The feelings that rose from within his heart and his pants gave him all the strength he needed to move forward.

“Momma, you are right. I was being a coward and if I had known that I was holding you back I would not have let her go. How long before you can be back? I don’t want to wait too long; its been torture not having you beside me. I miss you and I even miss the punishments.   Lord knows I never thought that I would say those words but I do. If I have to endure in order to have you back in my arms, I’ll do what needs to be done for your caring and sweet caresses.” Ray’s eyes closed while softly speaking the few words that he knew would cement the happiness he had been missing in his life since Momma had passed away.

“Good boy. Now, Ray I think you might have a visitor soon. Let’s move away from all these boxes and wait. Once we get things started I should be my old self in no time.” Momma stood warily on her barely formed legs shuffling backwards and forwards to gain release from her chair’s embrace. Stumbling for balance she cantered forward and around the box at Ray’s feet coming to stand in front of him. He raised his head and looked into the dead eyes that were once vibrant and saw the spark behind them that he knew would be returning. Cautiously he raised his arms, reaching to embrace her at the waist and gently pulled her forward. His lips lightly grazing the grey and putrid flesh while memories of her soft skin pressed against him in teenage lust flowed forward in his mind; his tongue slowly grazed the remaining swatch of the skin just below her navel. Tears sprang to his eyes in anticipation of what would be his again in the near future. The pain and pleasure mixing to bring him to a feverish pant; face flush with desire he now thought of Bella, he needed to find her.


Part III: Bella


Ray and Momma made their way back down the hall. Their footsteps squishing in the carpet as they entered the living room and sat on the couch a scene like any other home on the block; Mother and son sitting down to catch up only a trail of blood throughout the apartment and a corpse as entertainment was the only difference. As they settled back next to each other Ray thought about Bella. He had always known there was something deep within him, something that wanted to really push him to the edge with her.

They had started dating shortly after Momma had died. Ray had never really had any other relationships other than Momma’s so it was a bit strange for him but he soon got use to letting her control him just the same. The last two years had flown by for him and as they had come up on the second anniversary of his Momma’s death it had become such a strong pull in him to pack Bella in the car and take her to the cabin. The cabin. So many summers were spent there with Momma. He remembered the pain and the pleasures she provided him in the private of the wooded hills with no one near them for miles. He almost did it too. He almost got her in the car but panicked.   Once that panic set in he thought for sure Bella knew what he was up to and he quit contacting her. He let her think he had disappeared from the city altogether; it was easier to pretend that way.

“Ray, she never knew what you were up to boy.” Momma leaned close to his ear faintly exhaling onto his neck as she drew out that last word. “Boooooooy.”

“How do you know”

“Ray, Ray, Ray. I know so much that you would just do best to let me take over from here on out.” She rested her fingers on the inside his thighs, gently massaging them while leaving more flecks of skin and muscle on his pants than remained on her hand.

“In fact, she’s on her way here now boy. When she gets to the door, you’re gonna do everything I tell you to and not anything else.” She squeezed his thigh on that last word, death nails remarkably strong dug into his leg. As the pressure was released from her grip the door rang out and Ray jumped, startled by the exactitude of Momma’s prediction.

Momma patted his knee gently. Pointed a mostly bone and dried tissue finger at the door, “Go answer it and act natural. She won’t know I’m here so don’t be an idiot and ruin things.” Momma scuttled from the couch to the far corner of the room as Ray strode across the opposite side of the room, taking a few quick steps of excitement to his front door. In order to maintain his level of control he kept his actions as normal as possible including peeking out the peephole and verifying that yes, it was Bella standing on the other side of the door. Stepping back, he realized he was now looking at his apartment as it had always appeared to him. There were no more bloody boxes, trailing muck or that incomprehensible door. The only oddity was that his decaying Momma stood in the back corner behind him. Ray took a deep breath, exhaled all that he could and pulled open the door.


Her back was to the door when it creaked open and she whirled around in surprise. The wind from her long auburn hair blowing past Ray’s face bringing the scent of lavender into his head and the memory of her skin’s feel. It was her favorite flower and she wore it every day. A smell so strong that it the beginning it drove him mad but before he left abruptly he began to imaged what he would have done with the fresh clippings she always kept in a vase at her entry door. This thought soothed him and he felt his lips crack a warm smile spreading out and reaching up to his eyes that now began to shimmer in a light that was not even noticed until it echoed from his pupils.

“Ray?” Bella twisted her purse straps with one hand, wrapping her fingers in and out of the bangles that hung from the front pockets of the bag while she waited for some response. It had been two weeks since she had heard anything from him; as if he had dropped off of the face of the Earth, his disappearance had been so alarming. He had crept away in past times but never to this extent and with such a persistent refusal to return any of her calls or texts.

It had only been two weeks since Ray had walked out of Bella’s apartment and not looked back. The urge to do unspeakable things had been so strong and it had been too much to burden himself with so he cut all ties. Now, as she stood before him he realized just how quickly he had forgotten the beauty she possessed and it suddenly clicked how much she resembled the woman his Momma was when she was younger. In the few seconds it took to register he took in all that was once alive in his Momma. The long brunet lock that ended in slight curls, her fair skin and dark brown eyes reflecting towards him with the pain of confusion. Her full lips attempted a smile as she stood waiting on the edge of his response. The purse she fingered in anticipation hung loosely next to her small frame wrapped in the simple fabric of a summer dress with her hips pushing out to the sides thanks to her hour glass figure that had kept him mad with desire for the last year. The briefest of moments was all it took to bring it all back to him and as he cleared his throat to finally respond he heard a silent laugh coming from across the room. Amidst the laughter Momma’s voice spoke up, “Ray, Ray, Ray. You flatter me. I should have known you would never stray far from me. Even in death you did your best find me still living somehow.” He stole a glance over his shoulder at the pile of upright death in the corner and returned her laugh with a sly hidden smile and returned his gaze quickly upon Bella. Finally after the longest moments of her life, although ticked out in seconds on her watch, Ray opened his arms and enveloped her in an embrace. His face nuzzled into her neck and she could hear him deeply inhaling her scent as he gently kissed the crook in her neck between shoulder and ear. “Bella, please forgive me. I don’t know why I left again. It’s so maddening even to myself.” He took a step back and slid his hands down her arms and interlocked his fingers with hers. She beamed up at him, her radiant smile showing her immediate forgiveness. “Ray, it’s okay. I know you still are adjusting to a relationship. You have only ever had your Mother so it has to get overwhelming at times. Don’t worry. We can go as slow as you need. It’s been a year and I’m still here and don’t plan on leaving either.” Ray slowly walked backward holding her hands and guided her into his apartment.

“I really hope you don’t leave. I have finally realized why you are in my life and you are so very important to me. I was so blind to see what was right before me.” He backed himself to the sofa and they sat together. As they nestled together in the couch she looked up at him and sighed. “Do you really mean that? Are you really there now?” Bella had been waiting for months to hear him commit to her in any fashion beyond their current relationship status which always seemed to be on the verge of nonexistent. Ray lay his head back on the sofa and let out a soft exhale of air. Smiling as he exhaled the word, “Yes”, escaped his lips brushing the air in a soft embrace barely reverberating in her ears.

While he had his head on the back of the couch what Bella didn’t see was the putrid form of what was once his Mother standing behind him with her decaying fingers slowly massaging his shoulders. His yes was not completely for her but also for Momma; who he knew would be there to take care of him from now on and as the future played out in his mind the stench of hundreds of days entertaining death whispered past his ear and rested inside his head. “Ray, take her to the cabin. It’s all set up and waiting for you.” Once this opportunity had been dropped into his skull he again slowly nodded, raising his head he gazed into Bella’s eyes with a smile spreading from ear to ear as he thought about his plans.

He sat upright and voiced his idea for moving forward. “Bella, let’s start over right now. We can go to my cabin in the country. It’s only a couple hours away and we can spend the weekend there, just the two of us working on making this the relationship what you have always wanted from the beginning.” He had worked his voice and body language up into a frenzy as he brought up his idea and anticipated her enthusiastic response. She had been pleading for months to move their lives together forward in a more intimate manner and he had always rebuffed her advances. He was now giving her desires to her on a private silver platter – more than she had ever hoped for from him. In response to his decision Bella wrapped her arms around his neck and hurriedly requested to stop at her apartment on the way out of town. “Actually, we don’t need to – I have everything ready for us at the cabin. I set it up months ago but hadn’t had the nerve to get us out there just yet. We won’t need anything but each other once we get there.”   Smiling coyly he stood and pulled her up with him. “You ready?” He stared into her eyes with the knowledge that this was more a formality at this point and no longer an actual question. Her excitement pulled him to the door as he trailed behind her looking over his should at Momma. The remaining teeth in her jaw glistened through the smile that threatened to tear her lips apart.

The strangest ideas always come on the commute home.

I was driving home today.  Completely lost and jamming out to “Jack off Jill”, an old 90s hard rock band that came and went before I ever even knew they existed.  When out of nowhere, like usual, my brain turned on and started dumping crap all over me.  So, I got home, mulled it over and finally decided I had to get it out or it was going to keep shitting all over me and bitching at me.  So, here is the start of something to come…. not sure when it will finish or how long it will take but I LOVE where it starts.  I’m still wrapping up the, what was, SUPPOSED, to be the short story Boxes but I think is closer to a novella maybe….  anyway.  Here you go.  My brain dumping.

Peter huddled in the corner of the basement sitting on his haunches, shit-stained underwear hanging loosely from his hip bones and caressing the dirt below his feet. He was digging for grubs again. They were the only thing he could find to eat in the cold dark room he had been locked inside for years. He couldn’t remember anything besides these four walls and single bulb that hung mockingly from the middle of the room. Always just out of reach and keeping him in the dark. He had memorized the location of the single filth riddled mattress that was his home. He scratched the dirt with his fingers and got past the dry top layer, underneath was moist earth which usually would produce a few fat crawly bites pretty quickly. He dug furiously in his hunger, he had no sense of time other than the hunger pains that came and went while he sat in his prison waiting for his captor to return and continue his methodical means of self satisfaction in the torture of his young body and mind. It had been so very long that Peter no longer knew anything beyond the pain and starvation that enveloped his existence.


As he dug deeper and deeper looking for the sustenance he needed for just a few hours of more time he hit what was gold for him. A nice long, fat earth worm wriggled in his fingers as he pulled them through the muck below his feet. He gingerly pulled it free from its home his mouth watering and tongue clucking in his mouth. A tick that he picked up some years ago that he wasn’t even aware of; it had started when he discovered that any noise he made would bring forth extra efforts of pain from the man. He dangled the luscious morsel of goodness before his eyes and flicked his tongue out in the way a frog attacks a fly. The worm went in and down his maw. No chewing needed for this snack, which was good because they tended to taste terrible but once it hit his belly it calmed the storm with no gagging. While he was swallowing the bit of food whole his other hand had been digging continuously and was suddenly stopped by a hard object in the ground that sent a slight shock through his fingers and up his arm.

I started something but don’t know if I will finish

I am cleaning out my computer as I have been given a new laptop and the conversion of info from one to another needs to be seamless.  I need to be able to use this opportunity to purge some of the massive amounts of “stuff” instead of just moving it to a new home.  In doing so I came across the beginning of a horror story/novel that I had in my mind at some time, who knows how long ago.  I’m thinking of continuing the work on this particular story.  In any case, the below is what I found and I would LOVE some feedback.  Feedback was my intention with this website all along so anything is fine.  I take all criticism, good or bad, for what it is and hope that it can make what I do better.  

Here it goes:

In a clap of thunder that shook the grounds of Southeast Texas, the world changed dramatically.


Daniel arose from his favorite easy chair in the beloved living room of his suburban Houston home.  His body shook with each drop of rain that struck the pavement and sluiced down sidewalks.  The lightening flashed like an atomic bomb and in the same instant Daniel ceased to be anymore.  What now stood on his dark green berber carpet sucked in the smell of fresh meat along with the acrid scent of oxygen and carbon dioxide.  It snapped Daniel’s head back and then sharply up, popping all the vertebrae inside Daniel all at once.  It was preparing for the sweet, decadent feast of flesh this new place had to offer.  It walked down a hall and out the front door.  The wetness slammed into Daniel’s body and it smiled with his mouth.  It/Daniel walked to the middle of the street and thrust it’s arms into the air.  It howled into the night and slammed it’s arms back down to it’s side.  The moment its arms touched its body the entire neighborhood was torn into oblivion.  Houses were now laying in small splinters where whole homes were just standing. The cars where tiny mangled messes while the concrete of roads and sidewalks were now large chunks of rock.  It’s body was drenched in rain water mixed with blood as it stood in the middle of the street savoring its treat.


“I AM DANIEL” It proclaimed, making Daniel his in name and body.


Angie sat in her bare room that was home and listened to the rain storm pouring buckets down around her.  Literally around her; she was looking for the only bucket she had to catch the water from her ceiling when the room was lit with a brilliant and eerie flash of lightening.  The deafening thunder that followed chilled her to the bone and made her jump in terror.  She had never been in a rainstorm so loud and violent.  She expected to find herself in the midst of a hurricane but this storm had come from the west not the coast.  The meteorologist had said it was the most puzzling storm system he had ever seen warning the city that it would be a horrible down pour and to expect flooding on the magnitude of the 2001 Allison storm. 


Angie Winston had been through many storms before, in fact, she was in town when Allison came through the city.  She was stranded and almost drowned in a low lying intersection.  She had climbed on top of her car and prayed that it didn’t rise past the roof of her Jeep.  Angie had lived here in Houston her entire life, what little bit you could call a life.  Her Mom died right after she was born and her Dad had never been around.  She was raised by her already ancient Grandmother who always had good intentions but was too easy to fool.   This gave Angie the ability to do what she wanted and get away with more than she should have ever thought of doing with herself.  She was 12 the first time she got drunk and it was in a bar close to downtown where most of the shady people could be found on any given night.  This was just the beginning in a sordid twist of life experiences.  Angie never finished school and had never really cared to anyway.  She had all she needed at 23; a job dancing at a semi-decent bar while running packages to clients as well, a place to put her head (albeit rather wet but still hers) and wheels to get her around the city.  Houston may have lots to offer but if you don’t have a car then you don’t have the opportunities to make the kind of money Angie could in one day.


Right now she was cursing the day she decided to rent such a piece of sweltering shit house.  It had seemed like such a great idea at the time.  Gabe had told her about the place because it was so close to downtown and her bar but he left out the part about it being so close to the Wards.  It was run down and there was always some sort of a siren blaring past during the most inconvenient times but it was cheap and didn’t raise any flags that might cause questions about her finances.  She finally found her bucket next to the toilet in the bathroom.  The previous night had definitely been another lesson in what not to drink.  Angie grabbed the bucket and trudged back out to the one room of the house and stuck it under the torrent of water now coming through a rather large hole in her ceiling. 

“Well, fuck.”  Angie sighed.





What Happened here.

Its been at least 2 maybe 3 weeks since I have been writing.  I haven’t even logged into my page in forever.  I don’t know what happens during these times.  I was going strong and excited.  I could think of nothing else but finishing the writing boot camp and finally getting some works done on my books and then nothing.  Part of my problem is life throwing me curve balls.  I get distracted or my kid goes nuts or life itself just becomes a crazy mixed up mess of stupidity for me.  I should be writing more.  I should be painting more.  Yet, I constantly read or talk to people who tell me that I need to take the word “should” out of my vocabulary because all it does is increase guilt and anxiety.  Yet, I can’t help but feel when I go through these periods of unproductivity that I am somehow failing myself.  Then I have a growing fear that starts welling up that I’m not just failing but I was never good enough to succeed in the first place.  How the HELL do I turn that damn voice off in my head.  How do I make that condescending idiot shut the fuck up.  I don’t want to listen but there it is echoing in my head…not good enough, not good enough, not unique, not exciting, you’re just mimicking the greats so turn it all off.  WHY!!!  It is such torture. 

BUT!  I will get back to writing.  This weekend.  The husband is away on the other side of the country for work which leaves me lots of hours to fill with things for me.  So, I will write.  Whether it stinks or not, I will write and learn and progress.  As a writer that is what I must do, move forward and keep strong with my stories.  They will find their way out of my head and do it in their time, not mine.  I will say, I am finding a ton of inspiration and motivation from Neil Gaiman at the moment.  He is amazing.

Oh yeah – I was supposed to be doing something huh?

OH- First I have to say sorry for screaming at everyone. My last post was made using my phone. Bad, bad idea apparently.

Well – my distraction took more time than I thought it would and will continue to suck my time. Its okay though because it is for a good cause. If I don’t do this then I’m going to be against a wall for a lot longer than just the time it takes to complete. What is this big mysterious distraction….well let’s take a look.

See this is my “art” room. It is also my office. There on the right side is supposed to be a desk somewhere underneath all that crap. I would like to actually sit at my desk and write instead of curling up with a laptop somewhere. It gets uncomfortable and old really quick. The pile ‘o crap in the middle of the room, well those are all projects. I have no idea what is in them. I’m sure they are all kinds of mixed up and no longer have any semblance of organization. I have to get that taken care of or the ideas I had are going to just fester in my brain and keep me from getting stuff done because I’m too busy thinking about those boxes. Now, the biggest part of this cleaning mission is that despicable back wall. It has the most god-awful, pastel reeking, brain freezing, creativity sucking pattern on it. I’m fixing that but it apparently takes longer than I counted on to cover up pastel insanity.
Anywho – this is what has been my distraction. I should be back to writing and normalcy within the next couple of days. By then I should have a great story of what happens when you print to the wrong location when at work. It’s going to be a funny one, I think?

Prompt #3 In which someone eats a lot of cookies

Sitting on my keyboard was the most delicious looking chocolate fudge cookie wrapped carefully in cellophane with a decorative ribbon of colors.  I smiled to myself.  It has been a month and everyday that I get to my desk I have had one of these waiting for me.  Well, not this particular cookie.  I have devoured all types of cookies this month from sugar to cheesecake flavored.  It has been amazing.  I leaned down to pick it up and start unwrapping my anonymous treasure when I noticed a note underneath it on the desk.  I picked it up and examined the outside for any signatures as I still have no idea who has been giving me all these gifts of fabulous sugar.  There was nothing on the outside so I carefully unfolded the note and read what was inside.  My eyes widened with each sentence.

Dear Milly,

You and I have never met but we will in short time.  I chose you randomly for this project and I hope you don’t try to think or figure out the methodology as there really was no deciding factor other than I saw you and thought you’d be perfect.  I have been working for years on an innovative idea for a product and finally found the correct formula but needed a test subject.  So, for the last month I have left you a cookie.  In each cookie there has been a microscopic computer chip which when put in your mouth should have absorbed into your cheek.  Once inside you it would travel through your bloodstream to the appropriate location.  Each chip once consumed would wait for the next piece.  When all of the pieces where in place they would be ready for the final step.  You are now holding the final step. This last cookie contains the “activation” chip which will begin a process that is going to take 36 hours to complete as well as a sedative that will assure that you are comfortable during the transformation. I am sure you are overwhelmed by curiosity and fear. Should you choose NOT to eat the cookie the remaining chips will dissolve over the next week. Should you choose to eat it then you will, over the next day and a half, physically become a man for a temporary time period. When you awake after the change I will be there to assist you and document this experiment.

I put the note down on my desk and started at the cookie in my hand. My brain kept spinning as it tried to process all of the information I just read. Looking up at my calendar and then at my overflowing inbox I picked up my desk phone. I called my supervisor and very casually told her, “Jenny, I have a family emergency I will be out of the office for awhile but I’ll let you know as soon as I know something.” As I hung up the phone I looked at the cookie again and decided to eat this one at home in the bed.

School Meetings Suck

Any of you with special needs kids probably know what an ARD meeting is and those who don’t well, its a really long drawn out meeting to review your child’s progress in school.  We also come up with goals and ways to help in the classroom.  You would think these are great ideas for helping your student with special needs unless you have a child like mine.  He is Bi-polar as well as being diagnosed with Asperger’s.  School is a pain in the ass on so many levels for him and us as well.  It doesn’t help that the schools today are so wrapped up in the social conventions that they are supposed to be enforcing that you get issues with them being more concerned about a lip piercing than the fact that your child is on the verge of failing and possibly wanting to drop out while he is only 15.  I just keep reminding myself that he is almost grown and will be out there on his own.  I know he is more than capable and extremely smart but your average, everyday public school is not the place for him to be and probably not too many other kids with the same diagnosis.

I will be writing tonight and hope to have prompt #3 complete and up for your reading pleasure.  Please don’t forget to provide any feedback.  I welcome all critiques.  Till then, I guess I better actually do work although I really want to go run outside and frolic in the gorgeous weather we are having right now.