Tagged: public education

School Meetings Suck

Any of you with special needs kids probably know what an ARD meeting is and those who don’t well, its a really long drawn out meeting to review your child’s progress in school.  We also come up with goals and ways to help in the classroom.  You would think these are great ideas for helping your student with special needs unless you have a child like mine.  He is Bi-polar as well as being diagnosed with Asperger’s.  School is a pain in the ass on so many levels for him and us as well.  It doesn’t help that the schools today are so wrapped up in the social conventions that they are supposed to be enforcing that you get issues with them being more concerned about a lip piercing than the fact that your child is on the verge of failing and possibly wanting to drop out while he is only 15.  I just keep reminding myself that he is almost grown and will be out there on his own.  I know he is more than capable and extremely smart but your average, everyday public school is not the place for him to be and probably not too many other kids with the same diagnosis.

I will be writing tonight and hope to have prompt #3 complete and up for your reading pleasure.  Please don’t forget to provide any feedback.  I welcome all critiques.  Till then, I guess I better actually do work although I really want to go run outside and frolic in the gorgeous weather we are having right now.

You wanna do WHAT when you graduate?!??

Why do people in our culture today define success by whether you are a college grad?  Why has it become the norm for the public education system to impress on our kids that nothing less than a college education is acceptable?  I have two lovely and growing ever so fast kids.  One is the epitome of dysfunction.  He tries but in all reality school is not a good place for him.  I know it, the hubby knows it – Hell, even the SCHOOL knows it but there is no way around the problem.  In order for him to stay out of trouble and for us to stay out of jail he has to go to school.  Which is good, fine, I know it is important and there is a lot of information he needs to know but at the same time I think there is a much better format for him to learn.  He needs the kind of atmosphere in which he can be allowed to work and just be left alone.  Some place he could go and get basic instruction on whatever the assignments may be in whatever subject then allowed turning on his headset and getting to work.  Sadly, this is not an option anywhere at all in this country.  We have stuck all these kids into a square peg and expect the rounders to fit in nicely with the rest of them.  This is a ridiculous set up.  Is it any wonder we have kids that are dropping out of high school like mosquitoes dropping in the first cold snap of the winter season?  We are forcing some preconceived idea of what is “best” in regards to learning environments and completely ignoring all the obvious signs that it’s not working – not for everyone – not by any stretch of the imagination. 

Then you add in the fact that most high schools are starting to drop trade classes from their electives and you have a recipe for absolute failure for so many kids out there just trying to figure out why the mold doesn’t seem to hold for them.  We have searched in vain for some way to get him out of this never ending loop of insanity.  Then you throw PE on top of it all.  Yes, kids need to be encouraged to be healthy and I know for a lot of them it is the only movement they get in a day but why in the HELL do you demand that my child’s grade depend on whether he wants to wear your school provided required gym clothes.  Ewwww!!  Seriously.  If my child is completely comfortable getting his own clothes sweaty for the day them damn, let him.  Then we get into the whole controlling how the kids look even when they aren’t on campus.  Why oh WHY do you keep telling my child that he can do whatever he wants once he graduates in regards to his looks!???!!  Are you trying to confuse him or you trying to get him to ruin chances of getting employment?  The ages he will be while in high school and maybe a few while in college are the only years in his life he will ever get to throw all convention to the wind and have blue hair and pierce his lip.  The only “distraction” this causes is to YOU, the administration, who chooses to make a huge deal out of anything that does not fall into your preconceived notions of culturally acceptable personal behavior.  Schools are becoming more of teaching our children social control than they are about education.  Let’s just look at how far behind we are compared to other nations in Science and Math.  GAH@!!A#$)(U#)(  I could go on all day. 

Education is important.  It is one of the MOST important things that come with being a child and growing up but more importantly we need to get back to encouraging our kids to be successful by their own standards.  I want my children to know that I don’t care what their chosen path is in life.  If one of them wants to grow up and be a garage collector then fine but be the BEST damn garbage collector ever!  Success in my book does not equal material possessions or money in the bank it equals the measure of happiness and solitude you have found in your existence.  I think if we could get back to encouraging our youth to take the world, make it their own and not force down their throats that they will be worthless scabs without going to college we might actually prepare them for healthy happy futures. 

What is your take on education and college?  Do you think we are losing skills because we are so focused on that four year academic achievement?