Tagged: children

Oh to be a fly on the wall in 15 years

There is nothing like having someone who has no children but is expecting their first tell you that you are a shitty role model to your children.  What fun!  Meanwhile I’ll get back to trying to successfully raise my 15yr old teenage boy who is currently trying to do everything in his power to assert all his independence at once without actually doing anything to truly make himself independent.  The joys and balancing act of not letting him think he has any modicum of control over me.  I may end up drunk by the end of the night.  ppfffftttt – bad role model……nope just a parent of an insane completely pod people teenager waiting for the real person to emerge one day soon from the shell of his teenage body.

There are rules to this game son.

Sometimes raising a teenager with bi-polar and Asperger’s syndrome can produce some really funny situations.  I love my boy but really…. come on. 

I got a call this morning from the high school in our neighborhood.  This may seem normal except that neither of my children are in high school.  This was a strange message to listen to on my voicemail.  The assistant principal was informing me that my son was at the school and someone from the Jr High was on their way to pick him up.  HUH??!!? I quickly returned the school’s call only to find out that he had decided he was done with the Jr High.  Our conversation when like this:

Me: “What are you doing?!”

Boy: “I’m done with Jr High.  I don’t want to go to that school anymore.”

Me: “Well I understand you are ready to move on but you still have a couple of weeks left of the school year.  You can’t just decide you are going to High School.  It doesn’t work that way.”

Boy: “I know.  I only have nine and a half days left.  I’ll go back and finish them.  I won’t do anything like this again, I promise.” 

Me: “Why did you do this in the first place.”

Boy: “I don’t know.  I just didn’t want to be in Jr High anymore.”

I can say that at least my fears of the transition from Jr High to High school being too much for him have pretty much dissipated after this conversation.  Rules BOY!  There are steps to take in education.  The thought process that got him to that school is baffling to me.  I guess he thought he could just walk into the office and request a schedule or something…..who knows.  The fun never ends with him.  If life would only work as simply as he thinks it should.  I think we’d all be better off sometimes.  The game of life is a complicated and precarious game and he is asserting his own rules as often as he can…. the funny thing, sometimes those new rules stick for him other times they just come bouncing back off the wall and smack him in the face; like today.

Mom of the year

My youngest little spawn of the loins stayed home from school today sick with a fever.  She is old enough to fend for herself and make it to the toilet for any necessary emergencies.  So, I got her comfy on the couch and went to work.  Just before heading home I got a call from her to bring her some food because all she could find in the house was chips.

Mom of the year here forgot to stop somewhere.  In my defense we had some soup and I offered to make her a grilled cheese but she shot down both of those.  Instead I gave her the jar of peach cobbler we bought last weekend at the organic market on the way home from Dallas.  She may be sick but she’s going to enjoy herself some sugary goodness and hopefully it won’t result in some disgusting bathroom visit later. Guilt works in her favor so many times.

I really need to go the grocery store.